Born 1964. Has since the second half of the 1980s worked with painting, drawing, prints and photography. Always, he has been concerned on the iconic expression, what characterizes this, and what makes this different from, for example, the literary, musical or dramatic expression.
At the beginning an anti-aesthetic orientation was dominating – bad taste, kitsch and outright ugliness contained briefly the greatest beauty. Later neutralized the question of taste and was replaced by a curiosity for the aesthetic as a source of knowledge. A variety of issues have over the years been studied and various artistic positions has been tested with an including attitude.
Ole Claus Hansen was from 1986-89 a central part the environment around Randers Art School (The Graphic School by Inger Lise Rasmussen), Gallery Glass and in the environment around the workshop in von Hattenstræde in Randers (DK). This latter he co-founded along with among others Kristen Dyrby Forster, Willy Boesen and Gunvor Troelsen.
In the years 1990-95 Ole Claus Hansen frequented The Jutland Academy of Fine Arts in Aarhus, and as a direct result of this increased network co-founded rum46 – an artist-runned exhibition venue in Studsgade 46, Aarhus, which still exists. Later he became involved in art professional issues through BKF (The Federation of visual artists in DK), and has been chairman of BKF/Midtjylland and been a board member of the Artists’ Easter Exhibition
Today Ole Claus Hansen continues working with painting and drawing – lately, thanks to an extended focus on penetrating the color expressiveness, his images have revealed a new visuality – often with a more rough, vibrant and picturesque surface.
In parallel to the artistic work, Ole Claus Hansen has since 2006 in cooperation with Højbjerg Photographic Workshop / Inger Lise Rasmussen organized a large number of lectures, short courses and workshops for the benefit of artists and other with an interest in these subjects.
Moreover, he has since 2009 been manager of the Artists’ Easter Exhibition – the open juried exhibition in the Kunsthal Aarhus (DK).

'Confusion is a word we have invented for an order, which is not understood.' (Henry Miller)
Ole Claus Hansen (b. 1964)
Lives and works in Aarhus (DK)
Phone: +45 2696 5880
E-mail: oc_h@live.dk
1990-95: MA of Fine Arts – Jutland Academy Of Fine Arts (DJK), Aarhus, Denmark.
Selected solo exhibitions:
2022: ‘Gouache Celebration’, Inge Sølvstens Kultursalon, Aarhus.
2022: The Viking Club Jomsborg, Aarhus, ‘Painting’.
2017: Mellemrummet, Godsbanen, Aarhus, ‘The rain is lurking’.
2015: Gallery at the Church, “Malerier af Ole C Hansen”.
2007: Aalborg Kunstpavillon, ”The world in the image and the image in the world”.
Galleri Albert F, Aarhus, ”A tribute to C.F. Hill“, drawings.
1999: Gasmuseet Hobro, paintings.
1997: rum46, Aarhus, ”Skyggers fylde”, paintings and drawings.
1996: rum46, Aarhus, ”Mørkets frodighed”, paintings and drawings.
1995: rum46, Aarhus, ”Works on paper”.
rum46, Aarhus, ”New paintings”.
Selected group exhibitions:
2023: ‘Jeg vil være let som en mursejler’ (I want to be light as a Swift) – with Nalini Printz, Inge Sølvstens Kultursalon, Aarhus.
2022: Højbjerg Artists December Show, Kubus Alba, Højbjerg, Aarhus.
2019: ‘Remix #5’ Kunstmix, Odensegade 26B, 2100 København Ø
2018: “Art by Numbers”, KH7 Art Space, Aarhus.
2012: ProKK, ”JEG skaber (MIG) – ErGO er jeg”, Kunsthal Aarhus.
2011: ProKK, ”Transform”, in ”Filmbyen”, Aarhus.
2010: ProKK, “Interferens” at Ceres (the old brewery), Aarhus
2009: ProKK, “ProKK goes guerilla” at the gallery/workshop “etcetera”, Møllegade 5, Aarhus
2008: ProKK, “Dialog”, easter exhibition, Aarhus.
2007: ProKK, Ridehuset, Aarhus.
“Manifest07” in Kunsthal Aarhus.
2003: The artists at ”Kunstkompagniet” /Annie Eggert.
1998: ”16 Slices”, Brænderigården in Viborg.
Galleri Sonne, Aarhus.
1996: rum46, Aarhus.
1995: rum46, Aarhus.
Graduation from The Jutland Art Academy/Det Jyske Kunstakademi.
Juried exhibitions:
1996: The Artists Easter Exhibiton, KP, Aarhus, Painting.
1990: The Artists Easter Exhibiton, KP, Aarhus, Painting.
1989: The Artists Easter Exhibiton, KP, Aarhus, Painting.
1988: The Spring Exhibition, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Prints.
1987: The Artists Summer Exhibition, KS, Tistrup, grafik.
Projects, illustrations and decorations:
2024: Drawings for ‘Hvor kom vi fra’, Aarhus #2, an ambitious edition of the danish magazine uDkAnt with contributions from a large number of writers and visual artists associated with Aarhus. Editor: Linda Karen Prahl J.
2020: Drawing for a text by Peter Laugesen in the anthology ‘Det hul af lys’ (in danish), published by Aarhus Litteraturcenter, Godbanen and Forlaget Silkefyret.
2018: Drawings for poems by Kristen Forster – ‘Verden som vi fandt den’ (in danish), published by Det Poetiske Bureau.
2011: CD-cover to the Danish/Greenlandic rock group Inuit Feet.
1997: Wall size painting to Aarhus Tech, Halmstadgade, Aarhus.
1996: Decoration for Det Grønne Kontorhus, Aarhus, paintings.
1995: Docoration for Langenæs og Frederiksbjerg Kultur- og Sundhedscenter, painting.
1988: New Years print for Junckers Trykkeri, Randers, offset-lithografi.
Decoration for Rytterskolen, Randers, in collaboration with Kristen Dyrby Forster, wall-size painting.
1987: Decoration for Assurandørgruppen, Rosenørnsgade, Randers, in collaboration with Willy Boesen, Kristen Dyrby Forster and Illona Kock, wall-size paintings.
Curating and related work:
2023- : Board member of Noart Farm.
2009 – : Business manager at The Artists Easter Exhibition/Kunstnernes Påskeudstilling (KP), Kunsthal Aarhus.
2009: “Ecce Home” at Augustiana with the Artist Group EXIL, based in Sønderborg.
2006-23 : Co-organizer of lectures, courses and workshops at Højbjerg Photographic Workshop in collaboration with Inger Lise Rasmussen.
1995-98: Co-founder and co-organizer for the art space rum46’s activities 1995-98. rum46 is runned by artists and art historians and is located in Studsgade 46, Aarhus.
2014: BKFO-Fund Appreciation Grant. The grant of 15,000 DKK was given to an artist who have made an unpaid and voluntary action in the general interest of the visual arts.
2014: Danish Arts Foundation – support for website.
2008: Kulturudviklingspuljen, Aarhus Kommune.
Ole Claus Hansen
Jernaldervej 273 A, 4. th. 3876
DK – 8210 Aarhus V
Den Blå Hest, studio 11
Oddervej 80A
DK – 8270 Højbjerg
Phone: +45 2696 5880
E-mail: oc_h@live.dk